I want YOU to do Government Relations
Why GR and startups are better poised than they may think to engage with the government to build the future.
Startups spend morning, noon, and night building something that no one ever has before. While most Founders will tell you every time how GREAT they’re doing, the truth is a different story. Most Founder’s are stressed, tired, and looking for a break.
Before we shed too many tears for us Founders, we’re not talking about how hard it is to build a startup (or any business for that matter). Today we’re talking about the skillset and perspective startups bring to the table and how that should be leveraged to engage the government when it counts most.
The truth is, the right time was probably, yesterday. When you’re looking at the regulatory environment for your business and saying to yourself “what am I getting myself into?” That is when it’s time to prepare yourself for government action that’s coming and what’s already here.
So what does this mean in actuality? While many may not be clear on what government relations (GR) is or what GR practitioners do, the most important part is providing advice, and developing a strategic framework for engaging with the government. The initial conditions set, create opportunities for far greater ROI in government relations.
For startups, this is obtaining grants, procurement, becoming a prime vendor for an agency, or proactively improving a regulatory environment to improve their client’s marketplace. Incumbents are living in Congress, and in your industry’s association and shaping your future whether you know it or not.
GR is about fostering relationships with regulators and legislators to help clients create partnerships and outcomes you never knew were possible. Despite the popular media narrative that we need a new system, ours is designed (whether it always works or not) to engage and support building consensus and new supporting novel market opportunities. While certifications or occupational licensure can act as a barrier, most startups fall into the unregulated category and will only benefit from a proactive GR strategy.
Most Founders may find that GR professionals are ready and willing to help a startup scale and with an expertise in governmental processes, they’ll be able to act as an advisor or a shoulder to cry on, I’ve done both!
The hidden dynamic is what Founders bring to the equation. Founders are used to doing things differently. Therefore many look at the government as something too big or unruly and avoid engaging all together. We challenge you to do what you do every day: take the contrarian position and see what benefits there are to engagement.
More established startups and all the major tech companies invest heavily in their GR teams and are shaping the policy world and more startups need to be preparing for their time as well.
We’re working with smart Founders everyday that have the understanding that while government regulation can cripple their company, it can also be altered and tweaked. All that’s required is to make the case, tell your story, and do something different from the norm. These are the Founders that will change the world and Build the Future.
Sound like you? If your startup is interested in learning more about how government funding works or how to get your startup funded at the state and federal level, you should reach out. We’d love to hear about your vision and help you make it a reality.