Answering the tough questions first will set initial conditions for a more efficient and effective partnership.
We get a lot of questions on how, when, where, and why a company should start engaging the government. Of course, the answer we give varies as each project must be tailored to meet a particular organization’s needs or project goals. But there remains a bigger question of IF. As in, how to know IF you should start engaging the government. You need to have that answer before you start talking to potential government relations partners. This is a big question. But, we’ve found answering these four smaller questions first will help.
Yes, I did just jump in with the very awkward topic of money. Why? All services require money and depending on the level of engagement you are seeking, costs vary widely. Ask yourself, how much do I really have to get started and how long can I afford to maintain a government presence? To properly engage the government and develop external relationships, anything less than $1,000 per month is unrealistic. Yet, just because that’s the cheapest option, doesn’t mean it’s the right option for you. Regardless of whether you're getting started or if you're established and need some help maintaining relationships(s) or monitoring issue(s), make sure that your budget is aligned with your goals. As you’re shopping around for options in the government relations space, look for companies with tiers of service that fit your needs. For Terrapin, client needs change as projects ramp up, hold steady, or slow down – a good partner will provide options.
So you’ve got a game changing idea that will change the world forever and everyone will go crazy for your idea? If you don’t plan right, you could find yourself slamming the brakes because you’re now locked out due to regulation or political sensitivity surrounding your issue. Engaging the government is a big investment and because you’re a reasonable and logical person you’ll want to be guaranteed an ROI. Unfortunately, lobbyists or government relations companies cannot guarantee the outcome or funding you are seeking. In fact, doing so may violate disclosure statutes.
Instead, ask yourself this question, will this help me push my business forward? Does the person I’m talking to seem trustworthy? If yes, then looking at the big picture of the ROI of lobbying (See previous post) should tell you what you need to know about how engaging the government can be incredibly beneficial to you and the customers. All investments, whether it be marketing, hiring, actual investing in the market, require you to absorb a certain amount of risk. Hiring out your GR is no different.
This matters more than you may believe. If you are the decision maker / company leader it is important to be sober about the pros and cons of bringing in any partner. For some, it can be sometimes difficult to give up control to consultants, even in areas where you have little or no expertise. Great leaders are able to recognize their strengths and deficiencies and are able to bring in the right teams to fill gaps.
If you are working in-house government relations, before bringing in an external partner, it is key to obtain buy-in from leadership beforehand. Ensuring internal alignment and support for GR and leveraging outside help will save you future headaches. Surrounding yourself with great partners allows you to focus on what you do best and in turn will lead to better outcomes for your organization.
Question 4: ARE YOU READY?
One way to think about government relations is like a freeway that is always in rush hour traffic. Some need to assess the space before they jump on (i.e., planning the trip); others are just entering the on-rap and getting started; some want the special access / express lane to get to their destination quickly; and many need ongoing information and assistance with the situation so they can plan the best way that gets them to their destination safely. You’ll be better served if the GR products you’re using fit your needs, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
Before you get on the freeway, think about, do I even want or need the government to get there? Do I need to do this? Will this make me better? If the answer is yes, then you are ready. GO!
When you can answer yes to these four questions, then it’s time to get started. Engaging the government is not a small decision; and companies that attempt to go it alone immediately experience a “wall.” Having the right partner will set you up for success. Now get started!
If you need help answering these questions or want to learn more, connect with us via email, LinkedIn, or visit our website. We’d love to help you answer these questions, hear about your vision, and help you make it a reality.